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Personal Developemnt

We believe we have a responsibility to not only provide excellent academic education but to also develop our children personally; enabling them each to flourish and to live out all that they are able to be.

We work together to support our children to look inwards, reflecting on their identity and their character, and to look outwards, deepening their awareness of community and others who are similar and different to themselves.

We do this through our CHARACTER CURRICULUM which incorporates our weekly PSHE and RE learning, collective worship and extra-curricular and enrichment activities. 

Our commitment to children's personal development is demonstrated through:

Reception & Year 6 buddies

Archbishop's Young Leader's Awards

Bristol School's Twinning Programme

Souper Lunch

Camp in Year 5 & 6

Music and dance performances

Sporting activities

School Council


Others are explore below:


Each classroom has a reflection area that provides a space for children to pause and think about their character and response to the value in focus for each term. 
PICTURE NEWS resources develops our understanding of topical world events during our weekly class worships. We give time to reflect on our response, consider the views of others and make links to British Values and the Protected Characteristics.
Our links with our local church enrich our learning in worship and RE lessons. The church has been in Flax for around a thousand years and we enjoy being part of its community.
Our worships across a term follow a familiar journey of exploring our value in focus.

We learn about what the value means to me, its place in Christianity and how it is understood in other religions. We also explore local heroes who have lived lives modelling this value to those around them.

Each worship follows the GERS model which is based around four key areas: “Gathering, Engaging, Responding, Sending”.