PREVENT - educate against hate
Flax Bourton Primary School is committed to, and actively supports the view that all pupils should be protected from radicalisation and extremism.
We expect all staff, volunteers, visitors and pupils to share this commitment.
This works within the British Values of tolerance, liberty, rule of law, democracy as well as the shared British and school value of respect.
Radicalisation refers to the process by which a person comes to support terrorism and forms of extremism.
There is no single way of identifying an individual who is likely to be susceptible to an extremist ideology. It can happen in many different ways and settings.
Specific background factors may contribute to vulnerability which are often combined with specific influences such as family and friends, or online, and with specific needs, for which an extremist or terrorist group may appear to provide an answer. Being drawn into terrorism includes not just violent extremism, but also non-violent extremism, which can create an atmosphere conducive to terrorism and can popularise views that terrorists exploit.
The ‘Counter-Terrorism and Security Act’ (2015) places ‘due regard’ on our need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism. This is known as the Prevent duty and is in line with Government’s Contest strategy (the counterterrorist strategy).