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Flax Bourton Church of England Primary School

SIAMS Inspection

Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools

We are thrilled to share the report of the Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools (SIAMS) which was carried out on 8 December 2022. This is sometimes known as a church school inspection, which all schools with a religious character must receive, in addition to Ofsted.

Overall, we have been judged as an ‘EXCELLENT’ church school, maintaining the highest grading awarded for the second time, despite the criteria for doing so becoming far more challenging.  This is a fantastic achievement and shows the effort and commitment of everyone involved in the life of our school.

Below are some extracts of the full report.  The full report can be accessed below.

This is an overwhelmingly calm and effective school driven by its Christian vision where everyone is treasured, and doors are always open.

Parents say how much they love the school and all it does for them and their children.

In line with their vision, leaders change lives for the better, basing all their decisions on what is best for pupils and staff.